Airlift to America

The book Airlift to America has been praised for filling in an important piece of history about the era. A number of published reviews are collected here, along with some statements by public figures that are deserving of attention. To post your own review on,
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BookBrowse, September, 2009
Book Browse singled out “Airlift to America” as the Editor’s Choice for the month, writing: "This thorough, patiently researched, and at times moving account will appeal to students of American history in the 1960's in particular, and anyone interested in an important turning-point in the struggle for human rights in the U.S. and in Africa...The architects of the student airlifts believed in freedom, human dignity and self-determination; the students they helped believed that through education they could help a nation. By having the courage to act on those beliefs, and the determination to persevere through delay and defeat, they would change the world in ways they could never have imagined."

Washington Post Review, “Taking Flight,” September 13, 2009, by Dennis Drabelle.

“This book fills in a piece of Barack Obama's background. Quite an important piece…”

Publisher’s Weekly Review, September, 2009
“A memorable and poignant recounting of a significant endeavor that is still scoring successes around the world, this book is not to be missed by African and American history buffs.”

Library Journal, September, 2009, Review by Jane B. Marino
“[T]his little-known period of African and American history ultimately had a profound effect on American life, especially in race relations and politics.... A well-written and fascinating account that all students of history will appreciate.”

Kirkus Review, September, 2009
“Shachtman's text, gleaned from the organization's files and interviews with principals, offers a compelling portrait of nation-building abroad and nation-changing at home. A valuable case study of the effectiveness of NGOs when they are operated with care and confidence.”

The Nation, Comment: “The African Airlift,” October 5, 2009, by Karen Rothmyer
“Airlift offers an intriguing tidbit of US history and a look back at a brief moment when many Americans and Africans caught glimpses of a shared and hopeful future.”

Riverdale Press Review, "Riverdale was key to historic 'African airlift'", September 24, 2009 by Kevin Deutsch
In an enthusiastic review that characterizes the airlifts as an "overwhelming success," the Riverdale Press recounts the role played by residents of that community in organizing the airlifts, hosting airlift students, and funding the project. “They would become the political, economic and business leaders who helped shape East Africa. But before they were nation builders, they were Riverdalians” the paper recounts.

Africa Reflections, "Airlift to America", July 1, 2010 by Robert E. Gribbin
Robert E. Gribbin a Peace Corps volunteer in Kenya, who later served for thirty-five years in the U.S. Foreign Service, published a review of  Airlift to America on his blog, Africa Reflections.

Support for this website was provided by the TASK Foundation, named for its founders, Ted and Ann S. Kheel, who helped organize the airlift and hosted airlift students at their house.